Are you free on 4th November?
I promised to keep you in the loop of a very special event to celebrate the publication of my first book Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to power up your profile and get known for what you do. And I’m a gal who keeps her promises…
So, I’d be delighted if you could join me for an early evening ‘do’ in Central Manchester that will bring friends, family and friendly connections together.
I’ll be doing a talk about some of the themes in the book (namely making yourself a #bitfamous) and there will be fizz and nibbles too. Oh, and book signing of course! It’s on Monday 4th November – click here for details.
If you can’t make it on 4th November but want a copy of the book or Kindle version (audiobook is on its way) then here’s the link for that:
Update…The Book is here:
Grab your copy of the paperback, Kindle or Audiobook here: Makeyourselfalittlebitfamous.com