How to plan your content. Fancy whittling?
The attendees on our latest smartphone video course admitted they were held back from ‘getting out there’ because they didn’t have a plan.
They struggled to think of what they might talk about. They didn’t know how to slice their knowledge, experience and passion into useful bite size chunks to share.
The instinct was to say everything in one messy go, which is only going to be a pain to cobble together and in no way engaging for an audience.
So I showed them how to make themselves a little bit famous by whittling. Yes, whittling.
Watch my video that shows how to take one topic and squeeze as much shareable content out of it as possible. Use this method and you quickly get lots and lots of lovely things to talk about.
And for those of you who like to read, here are the same steps, but written down. Share it with someone who’s stuck for something to say:
- Get out a BIG piece of paper, for your BIG subjects: write down the things that you do or know about, that are relevant to your business, organisation or subject area. It’s an excuse to use your Sharpie pens.
- Take one thing you’ve put down and write down everything there is to know about that one thing, for some MID-SIZE subjects. Repeat this for all your big subjects.
- Then, like a growing family tree, take one of those mid-size subjects and write down all the little things there are to know about that, to make your LITTLE subjects.
- You’re whittling, whittling, whittling and creating a pile of stuff to talk about – keep whittling until you can whittle no more.
- Next, jot down your whittled bits of stuff to talk about onto strips of paper and put them in a jar or Tupperware box.
- Then when you’re in the mood to create a video, blog, article, post or awesome email, reach for a strip of paper to provide you with inspiration.
Plan the work, then work the plan.