I made myself a #bitfamous
Much of my time is spent encouraging people to get out there, share their expertise and get known for the great work they do. Looking for opportunities to appear in the media is a great way to do this. So it won't surprise you to know that I practice what I preach.
Recently I’d been invited onto BBC Leeds, to be interviewed by Stephanie Hirst, about my book, Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous. A great opportunity and fun too, to be back in a radio studio of course, but why was it a double whammy in the tummy turn department?
Well, firstly it’s always a bit of a thrill being live on air, but secondly, I was practicing my advice about getting noticed by the broadcast media– could I pull it off, could I shine on the airwaves in the way I help my clients? Judge for yourself by listening here and ask…
- Did Penny get her message(s) across?
- Did she sound authentic?
- Did she match the energy and pace of the show/interviewer?
- Did she engage me as a listener/was it interesting?
Let me know!
Of course, that’s the gold for your business or organisation – a bit of fame inducing opportunity, with an interviewee who can tick those boxes. Someone who is personable, likeable and trustworthy. What brand doesn’t want that?
Have you got the book?
Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous - by Penny Haslam
In today's noisy market place, it's crucial you find ways to get noticed. This book is jam-packed with stories, advice, case studies and encouragement. Penny shares her pro-tips on: