I’m a writer! Plus 27 Tips from the book Tip #1
I’ve done it! I’ve handed in my homework. The final draft of my book has been completed and is now being turned into something real, on paper. It’s good to get my weekends back frankly, see the fam’, mow the lawn, etc.27 tips
27 tips
My book is nothing if not practical. It’s a collection of how-to handbooks – how to speak, be on a panel and TV and radio. The last chapter has 27 quick tips to help you make your fame go even further, so I thought I’d start sharing them, pre-publication, with you. (27 because I just ran out of ideas if I’m honest.)
Since leaving broadcasting and setting up on my own as a speaker, visibility coach and trainer, I use or have used pretty much every single one of these. Some of the ideas might not work for you, or be appropriate. But the main principle is this: if you participate in something, why leave it there?
Tip #1
Let’s say you’ve been asked to deliver a 20-minute talk at an industry event, tickets are going on sale soon and it’s open to the public. Great news, you’re going to be a little bit famous!
So, you could prepare for the talk, deliver it, go home and forget all about it. Your fame flame would have burned brightly, but for all of just 20-minutes.
Or, you make your fame go further and prepare for your talk, panel or media appearance, but while doing so, reflect your efforts with a post on social media, with an accompanying photo.
Something along the lines of:
“Up to my eyes in prep, but looking forward to sharing my thoughts on **that thing I’m talking about, that lots of people will be interested in** at the Such & Such event, in June.”
Be your own publicist and always ask yourself, ‘how can I maximise this opportunity – what else can I squeeze from it?’