Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my book… Tip #10
Ah, feedback, one of life’s little gifts. Not something you have to open or even like – but it can be very useful for helping you fan the flame of fame, (provided it’s good!) once you’ve completed your fame-inducing activity.
I received some feedback this week on a keynote I’d delivered about speaking and presentation skills. I’d been speaking at an industry CPD event (continuing professional development) and the audience had been asked to score the speakers they’d seen that day.
The organiser emailed me ‘the numbers’ which showed I’d got a decent 9.3/10 (better than my school reports!). And that kind of thing is worth sharing isn’t it, on social media platforms, or on your website?
Or if you’re part of an organisation, tell the press office or marketing department, or whoever gets the requests for speakers or panellists. They’ll then know you can do a good job and will think of you for future stuff. And of course, brag about it to the boss.
Therefore, TIP #10 is simply this:
Ask for feedback from the organiser. You’ve worked hard on your talk, so you want people to know that it went well.