Make yourself a little more confident
When I tell people that I’m not always confident, they are quite surprised. They shouldn’t be really, because no-one can be 100% confident all of the time and, like most people, my confidence varies depending on the circumstance.
For example, speaking in front of audiences or on camera, I’m 10 out of 10 on the confidence-o-meter.
But tackling some of the chunkier items on my to-do list, like asking people for introductions and referrals, that would help me win work, we’re looking at a miserly 4/10.
What should I do? Continue feeling on the back foot, lacking confidence in this area? Or take action and hope to get a boost?
Yes, you guessed right. I’m taking action and hoping for a boost. This month I’ve given myself a Confidence Challenge Advent Calendar and am contacting 25 people in 25 days to ask for a referral: are they, or someone they know, looking to book an inspirational speaker at their event next year?
Sounds simple, but that’s what I’ve been avoiding doing because I lack confidence in that area.
So what are you dodging because you need more confidence? A tricky conversation with someone, or saying ‘no’ to something you don’t want to do, or even stepping up and into the spotlight?
Why not set yourself a mini-challenge and see what happens, as an experiment let’s say. I’d love to know how you get on – email me back or jump on social with #moreconfident Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram