Notebook needed
I hope you got a new notebook or lovely pen this Christmas, a small but wonderful gift for creativity and getting organised. I got sent a pen, made of wood – I know, how very eco!
I mention this because making yourself a little bit famous requires focus, effort, planning and most important of all, taking notes.
If you’re serious about powering up your profile and building your brand, you should be making a note of:
- The Podcasts, TV and radio programmes you could appear on.
- The speaking or panel discussion opportunities for which you can suggest yourself.
- The ideas that come to you at strange times that you never remember. These are so useful for stories, comments and examples that hook people into what you’re saying.
- The news or industry latest you come across, that would make good blog-fodder or a mention when you take part in a panel. This also helps you keep up to date with your subject area.
- And, why not make a note of what you’ve done or who you’ve approached. So easily forgotten in our busy lives as we whiz onto the next thought or activity.
You can look back at the end of the year and say “yes, I achieved, I have made great strides to making myself a little bit famous.”

It's in the podcast - Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous on TV and radio
Episode 4: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous on TV and radio
Could you see yourself as an on-air expert being interviewed on TV and radio? Find out how to power up your profile by appearing on the media. We discuss what journalists want and practical tips on catching their eye.
Have you got the book?
Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous - by Penny Haslam
In today's noisy market place, it's crucial you find ways to get noticed. This book is jam-packed with stories, advice, case studies and encouragement. Penny shares her pro-tips on: