Who wants to be famous?
Occasionally, when I’m speaking, there will be someone in an audience, or a delegate on one of my courses, who will scoff at my phrase ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous’. I know, who would do such a thing?
Occasionally, when I’m speaking, there will be someone in an audience, or a delegate on one of my courses, who will scoff at my phrase ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous’. I know, who would do such a thing?
I hope you got a new notebook or lovely pen this Christmas, a small but wonderful gift for creativity and getting organised. I got sent a pen, made of wood – I know, how very eco! I mention this…
I thought the place was familiar. Last week I chaired a leadership conference at the same venue I’d delivered my first ever keynote. I had an ‘ooh, that was then, this is now’ moment of joyful back-patting. Always worth thinking about…
Now I don’t know what age you are, but you’ll have surely understood by now that age breeds experience and the older you get the more of a know-it-all you become – I would hope so anyway.
It’s all very well me going on about ‘getting out there’ and telling you how to be brilliant if you’re on a panel, or speaking or if you get asked to go on TV and radio. But I’ve got to get my head around raising my own profile…
Last week I ran my one-day ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous at Work’ workshop, at a big company. I set up a choice of activities in the afternoon, you could take part in a panel discussion, deliver a short talk or make a video on…
My cool and confident husband has a Grudge List. On it are people who have done him wrong in the past and he refers to the list quite regularly.
I, on the other hand, don’t hold grudges – I forgive and forget. At least…
You might have seen me speak at an event recently, or been at one of my interactive sessions to Make Yourself A Little Bit Famous®, like the one featured in the photo. I show my FACE model…