What’s your walk-on music?
I met a friend while I was out walking the dog this week who told me she’d just been for an audition but had got nervous and a little intimidated by the other performers – the competition.
I said she needed some ‘walk on music’ to listen to while she was waiting to be called in. ‘What’s walk-on music?’ she asked, quite reasonably.
I told her: it’s like ‘going out music’ or ‘getting ready music’ – music that used to get us pumped up for a big night out.
Choose your tunes!
‘Walk-on music’ is crucial when it comes to making yourself a little more confident. It’s why big-name boxers enter the ring that way. It’s what motivational speakers stereotypically have, with their chiselled jaws, as they strut onto the stage.
So why not use it now, every day, when you need a bit of a boon?
Imagine yourself arriving at work and slow-mo swishing through reception, heads turning, to Beyoncé’s Crazy in Love!
Or how about arriving for a meeting with a new client you’re keen to impress and coming in through the door to Salt and Pepper’s What a Man!
Listen to my playlist here:
This approach certainly gets me in the zone when I need to power up my mojo and it boosts my confidence when there’s a whiff of a wobble. I can kick ass with my ‘walk on music’ in my earphones or just playing in my head.
I’ve even created my own go-to Spotify playlist specifically for this purpose. It’s called Penny’s ‘Walk On Music’. You can enjoy it here or just decide my musical taste is waaaay off! And if those tunes don’t suit you, create your own list.
Walk on, head held high, owning it baby.