Penny Haslam Podcast: Episodes 1-10
Listen to the motivational podcast by Penny Haslam
Penny Haslam - Female Motivational Speaker UK | Executive Coaching and training for confidence and communication from Bit Famous
Listen FREE on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

What other people think
Episode 10: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - What other people think
It's not helpful to spend too much time considering what other people think about you.

Who's on your bus?
Episode 9: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Who's on your bus?
Are there passengers in your life that add nothing to your happiness or success? Kick them off the bus.

Have a go, you might like it
Episode 8: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Have a go, you might like it
Penny reflects on the perfect phrase to help you progress your career, business or life ambitions, "have a go, you might like it."

Look back in awe
Episode 7: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Look back in awe
Boost your confidence by looking back at your life, business or career achievements.

Boost confidence with better feedback
Episode 6: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Boost confidence with better feedback
Penny reflects on challenging feedback she was given during her career in broadcasting and offers her top tips on giving and receiving constructive criticism. Discover Workplace Confidence Training.

Dust off your old dreams
Episode 5: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Dust off your old dreams
Did you have a dream or ambition that you’ve almost forgotten about? This time, Penny discusses why it's important to find the confidence to dust off your old dreams. Read the transcript: Dust off your old dreams.

How to lead smart people at Signature Discovery - James Edgar
Workplace Confidence Podcast
Penny Haslam has another show called the Workplace Confidence Podcast. It's where people professionals share the great work they do. In each episode hear from leaders in HR, L&D, D&I and more as they share their insights, best practices and tips about making a real difference in the world of work.

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous on TV and radio
Episode 4: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous on TV and radio
Could you see yourself as an on-air expert being interviewed on TV and radio? Find out how to power up your profile by appearing on the media. We discuss what journalists want and practical tips on catching their eye.

Stop colouring in and sketch your future
Episode 3: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Stop colouring in and sketch your future
Is procrastination holding you back from getting out there? In this episode how focusing too much on your performance is bad for your business and your career. Also, do you have opinions? Why practising them will get you noticed.

How does the news work?
Media Training Podcast: From the producer of the Penny Haslam Podcast
This time I’d like to share a brand new podcast with you from the producer of my show. It’s called the Media Training Podcast. It’s packed with practical tips and brilliant advice on how to make the most of opportunities to raise your profile on TV, Radio and Podcasts. It’s hosted by my business partner at Bit Famous – Steve Blears. Listen to all episodes of the Media Training Podcast.

Run for mayor
Episode 2: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Run for mayor
Why hitting the campaign trail is great for your business and your career. In this episode, Penny Haslam shares her tips on choosing a campaign issue and how to find an audience for it.

Who wants to be famous?
Episode 1: Penny Haslam's motivational podcast - Who wants to be famous?
Would you like to be Kim Kardashian famous? Or a best-kept secret? In this episode we discuss why finding the middle ground and getting out there can be great for your business or career.
Have you seen the audio book? Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous

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10 reasons why leading brands work with Bit Famous
Bit Famous specialises in building workplace confidence and world class communication skills. We don't do anything else. Here are 10 great reasons why people professionals work with Bit Famous.