New Year’s resolutions?
Another question for you: what are your New Year’s resolutions?
Mine? Just keep on keeping on because New Year’s resolutions are bad for you.
How contrarian! I know it’s popular to goal set and get clarity…
Another question for you: what are your New Year’s resolutions?
Mine? Just keep on keeping on because New Year’s resolutions are bad for you.
How contrarian! I know it’s popular to goal set and get clarity…
My book, Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to Power Up Your Profile and Get Known for What You Do is choc full of mildly amusing stories. According to one friend who’s read a chapter…
Are you receiving just a handful of emails every hour as opposed to the normal deluge? Are there fewer people in your office at the moment? Have things gone a little bit quiet?
I’m currently feeling overwhelmed. Scratch that, since setting up in business six years ago, I’ve felt overwhelmed ALL THE TIME. Not always with huge numbers of clients knocking down the door, but with ALL THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE…
Years ago, I found myself in a car park outside the BBC’s Television Centre, in front of a large broadcast camera, reporting on a story about a flood. It was fake news because I was actually taking part in a practical exercise for a rare BBC trainee…
If you’re going to be speaking or taking part in a panel discussion at an event, take full advantage of the marketing the organiser is doing.
Most times, you’ll get asked to provide a biog and…
I’m a writer! I’ve done it! I’ve handed in my homework. The final draft of my book has been completed and is now being turned into something real, on paper. It’s good to get my weekends back frankly…
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I take my own teabags with me whenever I travel abroad. Not only do I hate the ubiquitous presence of Liptons (who have conned the world into thinking that’s actually…
When I heard about the WHO concept for the first time (the acronym, not the English rock band, formed in 1964) it made a lot of sense. Work Hard Once means putting…
Yes, it’s a package opening video! But really, I’m so excited by it’s content as it’ll really help me to get my message across when I’m…