Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my no longer forthcoming book… Tip #14
Last time, I shared tip #13 that suggests asking people for testimonials, or recommendations on LinkedIn. But you write it for them…
Last time, I shared tip #13 that suggests asking people for testimonials, or recommendations on LinkedIn. But you write it for them…
If you’re already making yourself a little bit famous then you might want to ramp it up a bit next year, either to do it more strategically…
Ah, feedback, one of life’s little gifts. Not something you have to open or even like – but it can be very useful for helping you fan the flame of fame, (provided it’s good!)…
After having a child and getting married to the love of my life, writing my book, Make Yourself a little Bit Famous, is the third thing of which I am most proud. Actually, it’s probably first…
Feedback is a funny old thing isn’t it? So funny I rolled around on the floor laughing many times when I worked at the BBC, having been given ‘feedback’. Actually I didn’t, although sometimes I cried, but not from…
My book, Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to Power Up Your Profile and Get Known for What You Do is choc full of mildly amusing stories. According to one friend who’s read a chapter…
I’m currently feeling overwhelmed. Scratch that, since setting up in business six years ago, I’ve felt overwhelmed ALL THE TIME. Not always with huge numbers of clients knocking down the door, but with ALL THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE…
Years ago, I found myself in a car park outside the BBC’s Television Centre, in front of a large broadcast camera, reporting on a story about a flood. It was fake news because I was actually taking part in a practical exercise for a rare BBC trainee…
If you’re going to be speaking or taking part in a panel discussion at an event, take full advantage of the marketing the organiser is doing.
Most times, you’ll get asked to provide a biog and…
I received an email with an agony aunt style question this week, from someone who’d attended one of my half day sessions for boards, about stepping up as ‘brand ambassadors’. She wanted helps with a common problem…