10 reasons why Penny Haslam is a great choice to speak at your next event
I’m a tried and trusted professional, who’s delivered hundreds of keynotes and talks to a huge range of audiences. I’ve been described as ‘funny, engaging…
I’m a tried and trusted professional, who’s delivered hundreds of keynotes and talks to a huge range of audiences. I’ve been described as ‘funny, engaging…
I thought the place was familiar. Last week I chaired a leadership conference at the same venue I’d delivered my first ever keynote. I had an ‘ooh, that was then, this is now’ moment of joyful back-patting. Always worth thinking about…
Now I don’t know what age you are, but you’ll have surely understood by now that age breeds experience and the older you get the more of a know-it-all you become – I would hope so anyway.
I received an email with an agony aunt style question this week, from someone who’d attended one of my half day sessions for boards, about stepping up as ‘brand ambassadors’. She wanted helps with a common problem…
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I take my own teabags with me whenever I travel abroad. Not only do I hate the ubiquitous presence of Liptons (who have conned the world into thinking that’s actually…
I had a lovely ‘thanks for a job well done’ email from a client this week after I had been the MC at their annual leadership event…“You made a positive lasting impression. Your energy…
You might have seen me speak at an event recently, or been at one of my interactive sessions to Make Yourself A Little Bit Famous®, like the one featured in the photo. I show my FACE model…