Wanted: ambassador for your brand
Did you know the reason I left my telly job at the BBC in 2013 was to become a ‘sleb’ brand ambassador? I had been asked by WeightWatchers to work alongside Patsy Kensit and that bloke off…
Did you know the reason I left my telly job at the BBC in 2013 was to become a ‘sleb’ brand ambassador? I had been asked by WeightWatchers to work alongside Patsy Kensit and that bloke off…
I shared a stupid video on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago – me opening a box of books – and nearly broke the internet with more than 15K views. Bonkers or wot. If only we had that much interest…
I thought the place was familiar. Last week I chaired a leadership conference at the same venue I’d delivered my first ever keynote. I had an ‘ooh, that was then, this is now’ moment of joyful back-patting. Always worth thinking about…
Now I don’t know what age you are, but you’ll have surely understood by now that age breeds experience and the older you get the more of a know-it-all you become – I would hope so anyway.
Are you receiving just a handful of emails every hour as opposed to the normal deluge? Are there fewer people in your office at the moment? Have things gone a little bit quiet?
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I take my own teabags with me whenever I travel abroad. Not only do I hate the ubiquitous presence of Liptons (who have conned the world into thinking that’s actually…
Being interviewed on TV or radio is good for you: it helps build your brand profile, drives business to you, and provides big career kudos. The minute you are seen or heard on air, you are deemed more expert than you were…
I have little phrases, we all do, that I thoroughly enjoy repeating in the right circumstance. A favourite of mine is: “don’t look back…
Yes, it’s a package opening video! But really, I’m so excited by it’s content as it’ll really help me to get my message across when I’m…
I ran a taster day this week for an association who want to raise their profile. The people on it were ace – they work, or have worked, in actual operating theatres, in actual hospitals.They’re completely into what…