Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my no longer forthcoming book… Tip #14

Last time, I shared tip #13 that suggests asking people for testimonials, or recommendations on LinkedIn. But you write it for them.
Well, my book jacket designer Annette Peppis did just that and sent me some words to sign off. I was delighted and really happy to help, especially because it was zero effort on my part. Win-win! And it IS a brilliant book cover for sure!
So, to tip #14 – for when you’ve spoken at an event or conference…
Contact the organiser a couple of weeks after the event to see if they’ve collated audience feedback. If the feedback for your talk is ‘good to excellent’, share that fact. It might be in the form of audience replies, or sometimes a score is given. There are ways of doing that without being too much of a braggart:
‘Been considered “good or excellent” by 93 per cent of the audience at *Such & Such* event last month – I’m flattered / chuffed to bits / humbled / proud to have been of use to so many people, talking about *that thing that was of use*…’
That may feel a bit show-offy, but used once in a while this is a great way to squeeze that last drop of content from your talk.
For all the tips and so much more, get your copy of Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to power up your profile and get known for what you do.
There are also free resources on that site, such as the FACE planner for concise, compelling and confident communication – and the Presentation Planner to help you structure your content when you speak, either on stages or in front of colleagues.
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Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous - by Penny Haslam
In today's noisy market place, it's crucial you find ways to get noticed. This book is jam-packed with stories, advice, case studies and encouragement. Penny shares her pro-tips on: