Questions to ask before booking a motivational speaker

Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker

Penny HaslamHow to book a motivational speaker


Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker. Welcome to my guide packed with useful insights to help you make the perfect choice when hiring a motivational speaker for your next event.

As a multi-award-winning female motivational speaker in the UK, I understand that picking the right person can make or break your event. That's why I've crafted this guide to walk you through the questions you should ask when making a hiring decision. 

It includes everything you'll need from understanding the speaker's expertise to nailing down the nitty-gritty details of contracts and fees. 

This guide isn't just about helping you find a speaker, it's about finding someone who resonates with your audience, aligns with your event's goals and leaves a lasting impact. 

I've written it in Q&A format to help you ask the important questions when making your decision. I'll also guide you on the types of answers to expect.

So, let's dive in and start this journey to make your next event not just successful, but memorable.

Table of contents - Questions to ask before booking a motivational speaker

Click the question links to explore more detail.

  1. Can you talk me a summary of your keynote speech?
  2. Can you give me an example of a story or anecdote you use within your talk?
  3. How has your career background influenced the topic you speak about?
  4. What will the audience be able to do, know or feel as a result of your talk?
  5. Typically which type of audience would find your talk useful?
  6. How do you adapt your keynote speech to suit the specific audience you're addressing?
  7. Can you fine-tune your talk, such as editing the title, or using terms and language familiar to the audience?
  8. How do you create audience engagement? Can your talk be interactive?
  9. Have you given keynote speeches at virtual or hybrid events, how would you maintain audience engagement at this event?
  10. Other than a showreel do you have a full-length audio or video recording of your keynote?
  11. Could you provide an example or some audience feedback that demonstrates the long-term impact of your talk?
  12. Do you have any client testimonials specifically from an industry similar to mine?
  13. Do you provide any materials like books, downloadable content, or factsheets as part of your talk?
  14. Do you engage with the audience or offer Q&A sessions after your talk?
  15. Would you be open to assisting in event promotion, perhaps through social media posts or a brief video recorded on your phone for prospective attendees?
  16. Would you use your expertise in another way at the event? Perhaps hosting a panel discussion?
  17. What are your fees, expense terms and cancellation policy?

1. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: 
Can you talk me through a summary of your keynote speech?

Getting a summary of the keynote speech is really about understanding two key things. Firstly, it's hearing straight from the speaker how they articulate their message – it's always a great sign when they can speak about their topic with both knowledge and passion. There's something special about a speaker who really lives and breathes their subject, isn't there?

And secondly, it's about checking the fit for your audience. I tend to have signature talks that are crafted with adaptability in mind. When you're selecting a speaker, you want to ensure that they can tailor their content so it resonates perfectly with the specific group you have in mind. That's crucial, right? You want your audience to feel like the speech was made just for them.

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2. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: 
Can you give me an example of a story or anecdote you use within your talk?

It's all about the blend of information and inspiration. I've seen plenty of credible industry speakers who are heavy on facts but light on stories, and honestly, it can make a session less engaging than it should be.

When you're investing in a professional speaker, it's not just the cold, hard information you're after. You want that spark – the inspiring, relatable moments that make the audience sit up and listen.

That's what the best speakers I've come across always bring to the table. They weave these moments into their talks, creating a connection that sticks with the audience long after the event is over.

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3. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
How has your career background influenced the topic you speak about?

Understanding how a speaker's career background has shaped their topic is all about establishing their credibility. Your speak won't necessarily need years of experience in your exact industry but you should ensure they have complementary experience.

Eessentially, you're looking to see if they're a genuine expert in their field. Checking to make sure they're not just a jack-of-all-trades but someone who can bring real insight and value to your audience.

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4. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
What will the audience be able to do, know or feel as a result of your talk?

Establishing what the audience will gain from a talk is crucial in selecting the right speaker. Here you're really zeroing in on the tangible outcomes you're hoping for.

Think about it like picking the right tool for a job. For instance, if you're aiming for an uplifted, energised audience, a motivational speaker with a compelling story of overcoming adversity might be just the ticket.

Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker

On the other hand, if you're also looking for your audience to leave with practical skills or knowledge, you might lean towards a speaker who combines motivational elements with expert, actionable content.

This question is as much about aligning your expectations as it is about vetting the speaker. It's about ensuring they can deliver the specific impact you want, whether that's inspiring change, imparting knowledge, or simply leaving your audience feeling invigorated and empowered.

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In this entertaining and interactive talk, Penny Haslam shares her three steps to unshakeable confidence for individuals, teams and organisations. Discover the Confidence Keynote

5. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Typically, which type of audience would find your talk useful?

Understanding the typical audience for a speaker is key to ensuring they align with your event. By asking, this you're doing more than just checking their experience. You're gauging their ability to connect with and understand your specific audience.

The days of generic, feel-good motivational speeches are fading. Today, audiences want actionable insights and lasting value. This question probes into whether the speaker has a track record of delivering impactful content to audiences like yours.

For instance, if you're organising a leaders' away day, you'll want to know if the speaker has experience with corporate leadership groups rather than, say, school assemblies.

It's not just about their knowledge of your business or industry but their proficiency in engaging with audiences at a similar level or sector as yours. A speaker who regularly interacts with a certain type of audience will have a deeper understanding of their challenges, aspirations, and what resonates with them.

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6. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
How do you adapt your keynote speech to suit the specific audience you're addressing?

Asking this digs deep into whether the speaker can truly connect with and meet the needs of your attendees. It's been a common complaint that even high-profile speakers sometimes roll out a standard talk, which fails to resonate with the specific audience.

This oversight can turn an otherwise valuable session into an expensive misstep. So, this question isn't just routine; it's a safeguard against that kind of disappointment.

A speaker who's committed to their craft will take steps to ensure at least a portion of their talk – say 20% – is custom-made for your audience. This could involve using language and examples that resonate more closely with the group. They might even conducting informal interviews in advance with a few people from different segments within your organisation.

This kind of groundwork allows the speaker to tailor their message in a way that not only aligns with the audience's challenges and interests but also enriches the talk with a level of specificity and relevance that generic speeches lack.

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7. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Can you fine-tune your talk, such as editing the title, or using terms and language familiar to the audience?

Fine-tuning a talk to fit the specific needs of your event is essential. Here you're really testing the speaker's flexibility and willingness to collaborate.

This question is important because it's not just about the content of the talk but also how it's presented. You might find the speaker's default title doesn't resonate with your organisation or audience.

Being able to change it to something more suitable is a reasonable request and a good test of the speaker's adaptability.

Beyond the title, it's about the language and references used in the talk. Every organisation has its unique jargon, challenges, and culture. A speaker who takes the time to understand these nuances and incorporate them into their speech is not only showing respect for your audience but also enhancing the relevance and impact of their message.

For instance, I'm open to altering the title of my keynote, "Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous." I understand this might not always fit. So, for example, I might change it to, "How to gain impact and influence in the workplace."

Ultimately, this dialogue with the speaker should be a collaborative process. You know your audience and colleagues better than any external speaker. By having a briefing conversation where you can discuss specific aspects, language, and reference points, you enable the speaker to truly tailor their content.

It's not just about fitting in; it's about delivering a message that resonates and provides value. If the speaker demonstrates this level of flexibility and commitment to understanding your needs, it's a strong indicator that they are the right fit for your event.

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8. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
How do you create audience engagement? Can your talk be interactive?

Creating audience engagement is a key component of a successful talk. By asking this question you're delving into the speaker's ability to connect with and involve the audience. Modern audiences often seek more than just a monologue; they appreciate a speaker who can interact and engage with them throughout the presentation.

Posing this question is crucial because some speakers might stick to a traditional approach: they come in, deliver their speech, and leave. But that's not always what works best today. Audiences now yearn for engagement – they want to feel involved and connected to the speaker and the content.

The ways a speaker can achieve this vary. It could be through their personal style, the stories they tell, or the inclusion of interactive elements, like encouraging the audience to discuss amongst themselves or engage in tabletop discussions.

A skilled modern speaker should have a range of strategies for interaction. This might include posing questions throughout the talk instead of just at the end, utilising technology to facilitate real-time feedback or queries, or even creating small breakout groups for more in-depth discussion.

Especially for talks scheduled towards the end of an event or day, when attention may wane, these interactive elements can be crucial in keeping the audience engaged and invested.

Further reading: How to make your corporate event more engaging and interactive

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9. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Have you given keynote speeches at virtual or hybrid events, how would you maintain audience engagement online?

Adapting to virtual or hybrid events is a critical skill for speakers. This question explores a speaker's ability to effectively communicate in these unique environments. Why is this so important? Virtual and hybrid speaking requires a different skillset than traditional on-stage presentations. Some individuals excel in a live, physical setting but struggle to convey the same energy and engagement through a screen.

Speaking to a camera, whether in a webinar or a direct-to-camera setup, demands specific techniques to keep the home or office audience engaged.Virtual events can feel more intimate, almost like a one-on-one interaction, making on-camera skills crucial. A speaker needs to be well-lit, have an appropriate background, and understand how to connect with an audience they can't see.

Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: Hybrid or virtual events.

Simple yet effective practices like maintaining eye contact with the camera lens, using visually engaging and paced slides, and ensuring good sound quality can significantly enhance the impact of their talk.

When you're considering a speaker for a virtual or hybrid event, it's not just about their content but also their presentation style and setup. It's entirely reasonable to ask about their home office environment or wherever they'll be presenting from. Will they make adjustments to ensure a professional and engaging setup?

A practical tip here is to arrange a pre-event call on a platform like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to see how they present themselves on camera. This gives you a chance to observe their on-camera engagement, the quality of their setup, and their overall readiness for a virtual or hybrid event.

If they're not making eye contact, if the lighting is poor, or if the background is distracting, these are all points you might want to address. Remember, in virtual settings, these details play a crucial role in maintaining audience attention and delivering a successful event.

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10. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Other than a showreel do you have a full-length audio or video recording of your keynote?

Requesting a full-length audio or video recording of a speaker's keynote is a vital step in ensuring they're the right fit for your event. It goes beyond just assessing their highlight reel. It gives you a comprehensive view of their abilities. Why is this important? A showreel typically includes only the best bits, but a full-length recording allows you to see how the speaker manages the flow of their presentation from beginning to end.

It reveals their ability to maintain audience engagement, their energy levels, and the overall dynamics of their talk. You can observe their clarity of communication – are they concise and compelling, or do they tend to ramble? Their stage presence becomes evident too. Do they move with purpose, or do they pace aimlessly?

Such details are crucial. They help you gauge whether the speaker can command a stage and deliver content that's both interesting and valuable. This isn't just about ensuring a good performance; it's about safeguarding your event's reputation. You want your event to be memorable for the right reasons, and the speaker plays a significant role in this.

Hence, doing this homework is non-negotiable. If a speaker doesn't have a full-length recording available, it might be a red flag, suggesting they're not as experienced or confident in their speaking abilities as you'd want. In such cases, it might be wise to consider other candidates who can provide this level of transparency about their capabilities.

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Check Penny's AvailabilityBook a no-obligation discovery call
Penny Haslam's Confidence Reset

In her motivational keynote Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous, Penny Haslam will show you how to power up your profile and get known for what you do. It can also be delivered online, as a workshop or lunch and learn. Read Penny Haslam's rave reviews.

11.Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Could you provide an example or some audience feedback that demonstrates the long-term impact of your talk?

Requesting examples of audience feedback delves into the effectiveness and value of the speaker beyond the immediate event. Why is this significant? This question moves past the initial entertainment or motivational boost provided by the speaker. It digs into the substance and transformative potential of their talk.

As a client, you're looking for a speaker who offers more than just a transient feel-good factor. You want someone whose insights and takeaways continue to resonate with and influence your audience well after the event. Asking about the lasting impact is not only insightful but also quite bold. You're essentially inquiring if the speaker's words lead to long-term changes in attitudes or behaviours.

Are attendees still quoting the speaker months later? Have they implemented any strategies or ideas from the talk into their daily routines? This kind of feedback is a goldmine. It indicates that the speaker doesn't just deliver a good show but provides lasting value – something that genuinely benefits your organisation in the long run.

Not all speakers can demonstrate this level of impact, and it's not always necessary depending on your event's objectives. However, if a speaker can show that they've made a meaningful, enduring difference in the lives of their audience, that's a clear sign of their effectiveness and the potential value they could bring to your event.

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12. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Do you have any client testimonials specifically from an industry similar to mine?

Asking for client testimonials from industries similar to yours is an essential part of vetting a speaker. It is a great way to gauge the speaker's familiarity and success with events like yours.

This is particularly useful if your audience has unique characteristics or challenges specific to your sector. For instance, understanding if the speaker has effectively addressed middle managers in a similar industry or organisational size can offer insights into their suitability for your event.

It's not always necessary for a speaker to have experience within the exact same sector, but having a track record with similar audience types or organisational structures is a strong indicator of their ability to relate to and engage with your audience effectively. If they have proven success with comparable groups, they can likely replicate this success with yours.

Additionally, these testimonials can be a resource for further research. If you're inclined, you can reach out to these past clients for firsthand accounts of the speaker's impact and effectiveness.

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13. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Do you provide any materials like books, downloadable content, or factsheets as part of your talk?

Asking if a speaker provides additional resources will help you understand the full value they bring to your event. It helps you gauge the extent of the speaker's commitment to the audience's learning and engagement. Why is this question important? When a speaker takes the extra step to create supplementary materials, it demonstrates their dedication to making sure the audience not only enjoys the talk but retains and applies the information afterwards.

13. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: Books and downloads?

Many professional speakers now use convenient methods like QR codes for easy access to digital resources, offering a balance of detailed yet digestible content. Providing these materials can significantly enhance the value of your event. They serve as a useful reminder of the key points discussed.

It also shows that you're invested in providing a comprehensive, high-quality experience for your delegates. So, this question is not just about the extras; it’s about understanding how far the speaker is willing to go to make your event a transformative and memorable experience.

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Penny Haslam's Confidence Keynote

In this entertaining and interactive talk, Penny Haslam shares her three steps to unshakeable confidence for individuals, teams and organisations. Discover the Confidence Keynote

14. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Do you engage with the audience or offer Q&A sessions after your talk?

When planning an event, it's really helpful to know if your speaker is up for engaging with the audience after their talk, say through a Q&A session.

It's pretty much the norm for speakers to stick around for a bit of Q&A – it's a great chance for the audience to dig deeper into the topic, get some clarifications, or share their insights. You know, it's a bit of a red flag if a speaker doesn't want to do this, as it's such a key part of connecting with the audience.

But it's not just about saying 'yes' to a Q&A. It can be really useful to chat with the speaker about the types of questions they usually get. This can tell you a lot about how their message is hitting home with different groups.

Knowing this helps a lot with your planning – like figuring out how much time to set aside for these interactions. It's not just about slotting in a Q&A session; it's more about making sure it fits well with what the speaker's talking about and what your audience is likely to be curious about. Getting this right can really boost how the audience engages with and remembers your event.

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15. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Would you be open to assisting in event promotion, perhaps through social media posts or a brief video recorded on your phone for prospective attendees?

When you're organising an event, it's a smart move to ask your speaker if they'd be up for helping out with a bit of promotion. This could be anything from a quick social media post to a short video they could shoot on their phone. 

It's surprising how often this gets overlooked, but it's such a useful thing to consider. Most speakers, especially the pros, are usually pretty good communicators, so they should be more than capable of whipping up something that'll help drum up interest for your event. 

Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: Can you help promote my event?

A little promo video or a few posts can really boost awareness, not just outside your organisation but internally as well. It's a simple yet effective way to get people excited about the event. 

Plus, it's not just about the promotion; it's also a good sign if your speaker is willing to put in that extra effort. It shows they're really on board with making your event a success. So, don't hesitate to pop this question when you're chatting with potential speakers – it could add a nice extra touch to your event's buzz.

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16. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
Could you use your expertise in another way at the event? Perhaps hosting a panel discussion?

Bringing up the idea of your speaker using their skills in different ways during the event can be a really smart strategy. You've already got this talented individual at your event, so why not make the most of their skills?

It's quite a savvy move if you think about it. If they're good at facilitating discussions, running workshops, or leading breakout sessions, it adds an extra layer of value to what they offer. This could fit in really nicely with your event's schedule and give your attendees a more varied and engaging experience.

Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker: Can you host a panel discussion?

Of course, this might mean a bit of negotiation, maybe around their fee, since you're asking them to take on more than just the keynote. But really, it's an efficient use of resources. It's definitely worth considering and chatting about with your speaker.

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17. Questions to ask before you book a motivational speaker:
What are your fees, expense terms and cancellation policy?

Discussing fees, expenses, and cancellation policies with a speaker is definitely a conversation worth having. It's quite surprising how these things can sometimes be overlooked.

In the past, perhaps people didn't focus on this as much, but nowadays, particularly post-pandemic, it's become really important.

Most professional speakers, or their agents, typically have a contract that outlines all these details. It’s wise to ask for this contract beforehand, so you know exactly what the financial commitments are, what's expected in terms of expenses, and what happens if, for any reason, the event can't go ahead as planned.

This isn’t just about covering costs; it's about understanding the full scope of the agreement. It helps you plan for scenarios like needing to reschedule, moving the event online, or even switching to a remote session.

Knowing the cancellation terms is particularly crucial – you'll want to know if you’re still on the hook for payment or if there’s flexibility to reschedule. So, even if it feels a bit awkward, it's super important to get clarity on these points. It’s all part of ensuring both you and the speaker are on the same page and can make the event a success without any unexpected hiccups.

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Check Penny's AvailabilityBook a no-obligation discovery call
Penny Haslam's Confidence Reset

In her motivational keynote Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous, Penny Haslam will show you how to power up your profile and get known for what you do. It can also be delivered online, as a workshop or lunch and learn. Read Penny Haslam's rave reviews.