Have a go, you might like it!
Major Cobb was my husband’s school army cadet commanding officer, whose pep talks have stood him in good stead throughout his life.
At the start of my husband’s army cadetting, when he was 14…
Major Cobb was my husband’s school army cadet commanding officer, whose pep talks have stood him in good stead throughout his life.
At the start of my husband’s army cadetting, when he was 14…
On Friday, the UK sees the first of a round of locally organised ‘school strikes’, in towns and cities across the country.
Children as young as ten will down their pens and pencils and walk out…
The attendees on our latest smartphone video course admitted they were held back from ‘getting out there’ because they didn’t have a plan.
They struggled to think of what they might talk about.
Being called a ‘control freak’ isn’t meant as a compliment, is it? I remember Tony Blair in the 90s being labelled a control freak for wanting to know everything that was going on in…
“What do you want?” is a big, short question. When I worked for the BBC as an employee on Radio 4, I never stopped to ask it of myself and as a result I felt stuck and directionless. When I took voluntary redundancy…
I strongly advocate you say YES to opportunities to expose yourself (stop it!) and raise your profile – even if the opportunity seems all a bit scary biscuits.
You might, for example, get asked to take part in a panel…
When I tell people that I’m not always confident, they are quite surprised. They shouldn’t be really, because no-one can be 100% confident all of the time and, like most people, my confidence…
Setting out to make yourself a little bit famous – on panels, speaking at events, making your own video or even appearing on TV and radio – can feel daunting. Nerves can wreak havoc with our performance and…
I had a lovely ‘thanks for a job well done’ email from a client this week after I had been the MC at their annual leadership event…“You made a positive lasting impression. Your energy…
My cool and confident husband has a Grudge List. On it are people who have done him wrong in the past and he refers to the list quite regularly.
I, on the other hand, don’t hold grudges – I forgive and forget. At least…