Panel discussion example zoom script
Panel discussion example Zoom script. Not all panel discussions are face to face, in this section of my guide, how you can remain engaged with the audience while moderating a panel held on Zoom or Teams.
Panel discussion example Zoom script. Not all panel discussions are face to face, in this section of my guide, how you can remain engaged with the audience while moderating a panel held on Zoom or Teams.
This is a panel discussion script example from an event I hosted at the Stockport Chamber of commerce in the UK. The theme of the event was borrowing and investing.
Prepare for a panel discussion: Moderator’s email to panellistsAbout the author Penny is an award-winning motivational speaker & event host. She’s the author of Panel Discussions – The Ultimate GuideBy …
How to introduce panellists. As a moderator, about a week before the event, I email my panellists a blank version of this for them to fill in and they usually come back perfectly ready to read. But say it out loud a few times to make sure it scans well and then change any word that makes you pause or stumble.
Book Penny to speakArrange a no-obligation discovery callDo you have a dream or ambition that you’ve almost forgotten about? This time on the Penny Haslam Podcast, I discuss why it’s …
How can I stop procrastinating? Spending time “colouring in” often shows up as something on your list of stuff to do, that isn’t getting done. You just carry it across to the next list. It gets to the point where it would be quite alarming if you actually completed it.
You might have seen me speak at an event recently, or been at one of my interactive sessions to Make Yourself A Little Bit Famous®, like the one featured in the photo. I show my FACE model…
Occasionally, when I’m speaking, there will be someone in an audience, or a delegate on one of my courses, who will scoff at my phrase ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous’. I know, who would do such a thing?
Exposure can feel, erm well, exposing, can’t it? Getting attention for what you do – whether you’re a business owner, an ambitious employee or a leader who has to get out there and represent your organisation…
If you’ve been occupied fighting fires and planning out a million different scenarios for most of the year so far, it might be time to revisit your visibility, as a …