Prepare for a panel discussion: Moderator’s email to panellists

Penny HaslamPanel Discussions - The Ultimate Guide - By Penny Haslam

Prepare for a panel discussion: Moderator’s email to panellistsAbout the author Penny is an award-winning motivational speaker & event host. She’s the author of Panel Discussions – The Ultimate GuideBy …

Dust off your old dreams

Penny HaslamBlog, Confidence, Penny Haslam Podcast

Book Penny to speakArrange a no-obligation discovery callDo you have a dream or ambition that you’ve almost forgotten about? This time on the Penny Haslam Podcast, I discuss why it’s …

Three steps to visible & confident leadership

Penny HaslamBlog, Your visibility

If you’ve been occupied fighting fires and planning out a million different scenarios for most of the year so far, it might be time to revisit your visibility, as a …