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Read the Latest blogs

What is an example of negative self-talk?
What is an example of negative self-talk? In this extract from Penny Haslam’s Confidence Keynote, she explains negative self-talk and her ICE technique to combat it.…

What are the steps to self-confidence?
What are the steps to self-confidence? There are many ways to build self-confidence. I’ve identified three core steps that can help build self-confidence. I’m going to share them with you today.…
What is most powerful way to build your confidence?
The first step towards feeling genuine self-assurance is accepting a simple fact: No one feels 100% confident all the time. People who seem invincible have their moments of uncertainty too, and people who tell you otherwise are living in some sort of fantasy.…

Penny’s confidence download
Penny Haslam’s confidence downloadMy best advice on how to make yourself a little more confident. Thanks for taking part in Penny Haslam’s confidence session here’s a re-cap of some of the ideas discussed plus some more for you to consider. Confidence comes firstAll too often, confidence is seen as a personal burden to bear, something you have to work out on your own. I believe we’ve got to get over this idea because confidence is actually…

Set your work and personal goals for the year ahead
Episode 37: Penny Haslam Podcast – Set your work and personal goals for the year aheadIt’s not succeeding (or failing) at the goal that is of importance. It’s more about the progress toward the goal. Think about what you want and then schedule little pockets of time for small steps towards it. Setting your work and personal goals – Transcript “I really need to get out there more. I’ll do that next year.” Yeah, most of…

10 ways to Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous right now
1. Ask to have a coffee with someone who’s already a little bit famous You might have seen someone in your sector speaking, on the media or using social media in an engaging way. Find out how they got started and if they have any tips. 2. Tell your friends, family and wider network That you’re looking for opportunities to ‘get out there’ and could they connect you with event organisers who are in need…

Dust off your old dreams
Book Penny to speakArrange a no-obligation discovery callDo you have a dream or ambition that you’ve almost forgotten about? This time on the Penny Haslam Podcast, I discuss why it’s important to find the confidence to dust off your old dreams. What was that dream you’ve packed away? Today in the podcast, what was your old dream that you’ve packed away? Go on, get the loft ladder out. Go on, dust it off and let’s…

How can I stop procrastinating?
How can I stop procrastinating? Spending time “colouring in” often shows up as something on your list of stuff to do, that isn’t getting done. You just carry it across to the next list. It gets to the point where it would be quite alarming if you actually completed it.…

Use my FACE to plan your content
You might have seen me speak at an event recently, or been at one of my interactive sessions to Make Yourself A Little Bit Famous®, like the one featured in the photo. I show my FACE model……

Who wants to be famous?
Occasionally, when I’m speaking, there will be someone in an audience, or a delegate on one of my courses, who will scoff at my phrase ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous’. I know, who would do such a thing?…

Run for mayor! What does that mean?
Exposure can feel, erm well, exposing, can’t it? Getting attention for what you do – whether you’re a business owner, an ambitious employee or a leader who has to get out there and represent your organisation……

Three steps to visible & confident leadership
If you’ve been occupied fighting fires and planning out a million different scenarios for most of the year so far, it might be time to revisit your visibility, as a leader. For many, working life has dramatically changed this year. When it comes to connecting and communicating with staff you simply can’t ‘walk the floor’, hold meetings, take questions, have corridor conversations, be seen at ‘town halls’ or deliver presentations in person anymore. And this…

Penny Haslam – Author
Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – By Penny HaslamPower Up Your Profile And Get Known For What You DoDo you shy away from the spotlight for fear of feeling like an idiot or looking like a show-off? Do you see others out there, attracting the kind of attention you wish you could get?If so, you need to Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous! If you want to be a best-kept secret, then step away…

Buy yourself some confidence
Probably because I talk about confidence at business conferences, the word itself tends to leap out at me on a regular basis.Yesterday, I did a double take when I went past a cash machine……

Choose words like a male scientist? Now that’s a novel idea.
Most sectors suffer from whopping great gaps between what the boys do and what the girls do and how much they earn (still! I know, it’s like 2020!)……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my no longer forthcoming book… Tip #14
Last time, I shared tip #13 that suggests asking people for testimonials, or recommendations on LinkedIn. But you write it for them……

I made myself a #bitfamous
I kicked off 2020 with a media appearance myself funnily enough, which had me doubly excited-slash-nervous. I’d been invited onto BBC Leeds, to be interviewed by Stephanie Hirst, about my new book, ‘Make Yourself a Little……

How to no longer Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous
As you know I’m in the little bit of fame game, so have been following the Harry and Meghan “stepping back from public life” story. My first thought: if you are looking to un-fame yourself……

Notebook needed
I hope you got a new notebook or lovely pen this Christmas, a small but wonderful gift for creativity and getting organised. I got sent a pen, made of wood – I know, how very eco! I mention this……

New Year’s resolutions?
Another question for you: what are your New Year’s resolutions? Mine? Just keep on keeping on because New Year’s resolutions are bad for you. How contrarian! I know it’s popular to goal set and get clarity……

Who’s on your bus?
One of my speaker coaching clients, Rachel Haslam (no relation, but equally fabulous), says you’ve got to work out who’s on your bus. Yes, your bus, as in public transportation, buses, trains and trams etc……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my no longer forthcoming book… Tips #11, 12 & 13
If you’re already making yourself a little bit famous then you might want to ramp it up a bit next year, either to do it more strategically……

Wanted: ambassador for your brand
Did you know the reason I left my telly job at the BBC in 2013 was to become a ‘sleb’ brand ambassador? I had been asked by WeightWatchers to work alongside Patsy Kensit and that bloke off……

I made myself a #bitfamous on LinkedIn
I shared a stupid video on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago – me opening a box of books – and nearly broke the internet with more than 15K views. Bonkers or wot. If only we had that much interest……

Change and Challenge Can Impact on Your Words
Last week I delivered a 1.5hr session on confidence to a group of 70 leaders at an insurance business in London. They were gathering together after an 18-month period……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my book… Tip #10
Ah, feedback, one of life’s little gifts. Not something you have to open or even like – but it can be very useful for helping you fan the flame of fame, (provided it’s good!)……

Are you free on 4th November?
I promised to keep you in the loop of a very special event to celebrate the publication of my first book Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to power up your profile and get known for what you do. And I’m a gal……

What’s your walk-on music?
I met a friend while I was out walking the dog this week who told me she’d just been for an audition but had got nervous and a little intimidated by the other performers – the competition. I said she needed some ‘walk on music’ to……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from my book… #9
After having a child and getting married to the love of my life, writing my book, Make Yourself a little Bit Famous, is the third thing of which I am most proud. Actually, it’s probably first……

A ‘journey’ of discovery
I thought the place was familiar. Last week I chaired a leadership conference at the same venue I’d delivered my first ever keynote. I had an ‘ooh, that was then, this is now’ moment of joyful back-patting. Always worth thinking about……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from the book: tip #8
We are up to tip 8 now, which is a quick one. It’s the discipline needed, post-event, to help keep the moment alive, by simply using social media and using others’ content and comments……

What’s wrong with me?
Nothing. Nothing at all. And I was reminded of this by reading this article by Lisa O’Neill, an Australian motivational speaker. Her article points to the fact that we tend to focus on what’s wrong with us, rather than highlighting……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from the book: tips #5, #6 and #7
We’re up to Tip 5, but hey, why not have 6 & 7 too, as they’re all about using the camera on your phone to get the most out of the fame game. Tip #5 Video can play a big part in helping……

Boost confidence by being better at feedback
Feedback is a funny old thing isn’t it? So funny I rolled around on the floor laughing many times when I worked at the BBC, having been given ‘feedback’. Actually I didn’t, although sometimes I cried, but not from……

This year’s essential jacket
Do you want to be one of the first people to see my new jacket? Yesss, of course you do! I got it this week and it’s far better than any clothing item I’ve ever had. What do you think? It’s the most thrilling bit of the whole process so far……

Can you imagine winning the lottery?
You can? Well done, you are human – you have an imagination. Our minds work on images without us really trying and we are always visualising stuff, bad and good: we imagine the worst, we imagine winning the lottery.…

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from the book: tips #3 and #4
My book, Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – How to Power Up Your Profile and Get Known for What You Do is choc full of mildly amusing stories. According to one friend who’s read a chapter……

School’s Out for Summer (sing along!): five easy jobs for the summer
Are you receiving just a handful of emails every hour as opposed to the normal deluge? Are there fewer people in your office at the moment? Have things gone a little bit quiet?…

Plan the work, work the plan
I’m currently feeling overwhelmed. Scratch that, since setting up in business six years ago, I’ve felt overwhelmed ALL THE TIME. Not always with huge numbers of clients knocking down the door, but with ALL THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE……

Tricks of the trade
Years ago, I found myself in a car park outside the BBC’s Television Centre, in front of a large broadcast camera, reporting on a story about a flood. It was fake news because I was actually taking part in a practical exercise for a rare BBC trainee……

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous – 27 Tips from the book #2
If you’re going to be speaking or taking part in a panel discussion at an event, take full advantage of the marketing the organiser is doing. Most times, you’ll get asked to provide a biog and……

I received an email with an agony aunt style question this week, from someone who’d attended one of my half day sessions for boards, about stepping up as ‘brand ambassadors’. She wanted helps with a common problem……

A spoonful of my own medicine
It’s all very well me going on about ‘getting out there’ and telling you how to be brilliant if you’re on a panel, or speaking or if you get asked to go on TV and radio. But I’ve got to get my head around raising my own profile……

Smart engagement for Maria
Last week I ran my one-day ‘Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous at Work’ workshop, at a big company. I set up a choice of activities in the afternoon, you could take part in a panel discussion, deliver a short talk or make a video on……

I’m a writer! Plus 27 Tips from the book Tip #1
I’m a writer! I’ve done it! I’ve handed in my homework. The final draft of my book has been completed and is now being turned into something real, on paper. It’s good to get my weekends back frankly……

“Confidence comes from knowing you’re doing the right thing.”
“Confidence comes from knowing you’re doing the right thing.” That’s what the writer and broadcaster Stuart Maconie remarked recently in Radio 4’s The Confidence……

This week, free your mind and the rest will follow
This week, free your mind and the rest will follow I am a self-confessed late adopter of er, most things. I once completed an application form for a job at the BBC years ago, answering the question: will social media have a……

Sometimes I can live without my own teabags…
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I take my own teabags with me whenever I travel abroad. Not only do I hate the ubiquitous presence of Liptons (who have conned the world into thinking that’s actually……

Say it, if self-belief eludes you
Once a month I travel to York, to work with my client, JRF, helping build its profile and get out there more. So, for a couple of hours on the motorway I get to tune in to the radio and you can’t go wrong with Radio 4’s Desert……

Speaking up in meetings
Making yourself a little bit famous isn’t just about speaking on big stages or leaping around in front of the cameras on TV and radio. It’s about being seen in the workplace too. One of the best ways to get visibility for your personal brand profile……

How to get noticed by the broadcast media
Being interviewed on TV or radio is good for you: it helps build your brand profile, drives business to you, and provides big career kudos. The minute you are seen or heard on air, you are deemed more expert than you were……

Look back in awe
I have little phrases, we all do, that I thoroughly enjoy repeating in the right circumstance. A favourite of mine is: “don’t look back……

Why YOU are the best shot for building your brand
What I’m seeing time and time again is that YOU are the best person for building your brand. What brand you get profile for is up to you – it might be your organisation’s brand, the ‘brand’ of your team……

Have a go, you might like it!
Major Cobb was my husband’s school army cadet commanding officer, whose pep talks have stood him in good stead throughout his life. At the start of my husband’s army cadetting, when he was 14……

Do you Work Hard Once (WHO) or Work Hard All the Time (WHAT)?
When I heard about the WHO concept for the first time (the acronym, not the English rock band, formed in 1964) it made a lot of sense. Work Hard Once means putting……
Stand up for something and become more confident
On Friday, the UK sees the first of a round of locally organised ‘school strikes’, in towns and cities across the country. Children as young as ten will down their pens and pencils and walk out……

What did I get in the post…?
Yes, it’s a package opening video! But really, I’m so excited by it’s content as it’ll really help me to get my message across when I’m……

Want to raise your profile?
I ran a taster day this week for an association who want to raise their profile. The people on it were ace – they work, or have worked, in actual operating theatres, in actual hospitals.They’re completely into what……

How to plan your content. Fancy whittling?
The attendees on our latest smartphone video course admitted they were held back from ‘getting out there’ because they didn’t have a plan. They struggled to think of what they might talk about.…
Why You Need Confidence Control Pants
Being called a ‘control freak’ isn’t meant as a compliment, is it? I remember Tony Blair in the 90s being labelled a control freak for wanting to know everything that was going on in……